Pastor James's Podcast

Pastor James's Podcast

Latest Episodes

God's Power for His Church 2021
October 19, 2021

 In this day and age we all feel lost when the power goes out but there is a more important power source that we need to rely on. In this message Pastor James speaks on the power of the Holy Spirit that God has for us as members of His Church. 

Overcoming Temptation
July 23, 2021

Find out how to overcome all the temptations in life that lead us in the wrong direction. In this message pastor James discusses what God's Word tells us on how to be successful in overcoming the temptations from the enemy.

God the Holy Spirit
January 23, 2021

Part three of our series on What we believe. Pastor James shows us what the Bible has to say about the power we receive from the Holy Sprit.

A Season of Promise
December 06, 2020

In these times of promises that never come true we need to stop relying on promises made by politicians, friends and others and rely on the promises made by someone we can trust to keep their promise. In today's message Pastor James shows us why we can...

Loving God with My Mind
November 08, 2020

What does it mean when the Bible says love God with your mind? In todays message Pastor James shows us the benefits of loving God with your mind and how you actually accomplish this.

Loving God with all My Heart
October 24, 2020

How should we love God? How do we love the definition of Love? God is Love so how can we love God. During the next 4 weeks Pastor James shows us what God's Word has to say on how we are to love God. Today's message is We love God with our hearts.

The Blood of Jesus
September 09, 2020

What's the importance of blood in our lives? What the difference between spilling and shedding blood? Why is blood significant in our physical as well as our spiritual life? What is the story behind the significance of blood in the Bible? These...

The Flesh of Jesus
August 15, 2020

Ever got up in somebody's face? I bet they weren't so happy that you did that, as a matter of fact they might have even said some bad words to you or even worse knocked you down. But there is one person who wants you to get up in their face so you can...

Who are You God?
July 12, 2020

In order to get to know someone you have to speak to them. In today’s society that means by using social media, texting or internet-based methods. Well God wants to know us so we can tweet Him by using His Heavenly Internet System of Tweeting. It’s...

Controlling Your Anger During Times of Crisis
July 05, 2020

This has been quite a year for discouraging and upsetting times. People seem to be becoming more short-tempered and angry. There are many reasons to be angry right now.We started off the year with being quarantined for long periods of time resulting in...