Oh My! Travel Podcast

Oh My! Travel Podcast

S6 Ep. 15 Travel and Wellness with Ciara

February 15, 2022

In this episode, we chat with Ciara from Wellness Travel Diaries!  Ciara is the founder of Wellness Travel Diaries, a wellness, outdoor and allergy-friendly travel blog. 

She's a blogger, freelance writer, content creator, and a wellness and travel coach who helps others expand, grow and heal their energies through a blend of travel, adventure, fitness, nutrition and personal development. She’s explored more than 29 countries and has written for publications including ESSENCE, Vacayou and various others. She loves to travel the globe with her husband, inspiring others to find new ways to journey home to their body while traveling. 

We talk all things travel and what it means to put wellness in travel first. Tune in!! 

Where to find us after the show:  


Instagram: @wellnesstraveldiaries 


Instagram: @ohmytravelpodcast


Instagram: @lewildexplorer

blog: lewildexplorer.com


Instagram: @marthagetsit