Passive Income Musician

Passive Income Musician

Episode 54: Email Marketing 101 for Musicians

October 07, 2019

Welcome to episode 54 of the Passive Income Musician Podcast! In this episode, I talk everything email marketing. This isn't a topic that many musicians pay attention to, but believe me when I say, my mailing list is the most valuable asset I own. If we can learn how to hone our email marketing chops, it can have a huge impact on our online music education businesses.
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Still to this day, one of the most powerful marketing mediums in the world is email marketing.
There is a lot of people that say that email marketing is dying or it is going away and chatbots are taking its place, or social media, instant messenger — all these different things.
But, they are all wrong, because email is still the most powerful medium, the stats are there to back it.
And as musicians, as music entrepreneurs, we need to be utilizing our mailing list, building it up but then marketing through our email list to add more value to our ideal music students and to eventually sell them products.
So, in today's episode, I'm going to dive into email marketing 101 for musicians, for music educators.

In this episode:
1. The three functions of your mailing list
2. Welcoming- setting up a welcome series that warms up your subscribers
3. Engaging- the power of the weekly newsletter blast
4. Converting- creating sales funnels that invite your subscribers to become customers

Thanks for listening to this episode of the Passive Income Musician Podcast. If you aren't already, make sure you are subscribed on iTunes, Google Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
I look forward to having you join me in the next episode!
Important Links:
Episode 05: How to Build a Profitable Mailing List of Dedicated Music Students
Episode 22: Why You Should Create an Email Welcome Series for Your Online Music Students
Awesome Online Music Teaching Business Plan