Passive Income Musician

Passive Income Musician

Episode 53: 5 Ways to Drive Customers to Your Music Ed Products

September 30, 2019

Welcome to episode 53 of the Passive Income Musician Podcast! In this episode, I take a listener question and answer how to drive traffic time and time again to your online music education products. Continually marketting your products and making sales is always a challenge, but if you take action on these 5 you'll start making sales engines that work.
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I've got a listener question on the podcast today asking, "how do I continuously drive sales to my music education products over and over and over again, and still come out with new products for my ideal music students?"
So, we are going to answer that today. We are also going to learn how said listener made $400 in 3 days off of his new product.

In this episode:
1. Content Marketting
2. Autoresponders
3. Cross-promoting
4. Testimonials
5. Ads

Thanks for listening to this episode of the Passive Income Musician Podcast. If you aren't already, make sure you are subscribed on iTunes, Google Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
I look forward to having you join me in the next episode!
Important Links:
Episode 12: Content Marketing Strategy 101 for Building Passive Income as a Musician
Episode 16: How I 2X'd My Music eBook Launch Sales with a Product Upsell 
Awesome Online Music Teaching Business Plan