Passive Income Musician

Passive Income Musician

Episode 43: How to Find Time to Start Your Online Music Education Business

July 22, 2019

Welcome to episode 43 of the Passive Income Musician Podcast! In this episode, I want to help you find more time to start or continue building your online music education business. Maybe you feel like you don't have time, and your life is too busy. But it's likely that you are leaving something on the table and making the task larger than it is.
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The fact is it does take a lot of work to start an online music education business, to create great free valuable content for an audience of your ideal music students, and of course, to make products to sell to them.
To get this thing off the ground starting with zero followers, this is no easy feat. It's going to require your time, your energy and your perseverance.
Many of you may be thinking yourself, "Well, I have a really busy schedule but everything that you are talking about in this podcast about making passive income as a musician sounds awesome and I want to do it, but I just don't know if I have enough time."
Well, in today's episode, I want to be going over 3 different things that you can do to find more time in your schedule so you can start building a future for yourself as an online music educator.

In this episode:
1. Write out your work week schedule and find the missing hours
2. Ask yourself what you are willing to sacrifice
3. Consider your MVP (Minimal Viable Product)

Thanks for listening to this episode of the Passive Income Musician Podcast. If you aren't already, make sure you are subscribed on iTunes, Google Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
I look forward to having you join me in the next episode!
Important Links:
Awesome Online Music Teaching Business Plan
