Passive Income Musician

Passive Income Musician

Episode 41: From $0 to Six-Figures (How I Grew My Online Music Education Business)

July 08, 2019

Welcome to episode 41 of the Passive Income Musician Podcast! In this episode, I take you on a walk with me in my neighborhood in New York City and share with you 4 phases of growth that I've observed in my business. Like everyone, I started making no money. But through trial and error, taking action, educating myself, and doing more of what was working things started to take off.
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It's been a long journey to get to where I am in my online music education business today.
There's been a lot of ups and downs. There's been a lot of victories and roadblocks. And ultimately, there's been a lot of lessons learned. It's those lessons learned over time that has propelled my business to go from making almost no money at all to now making a 6-figure income.
And so, I think the power of stories is really important. I want to share with you my story and the 4 phases that I observed in my business from going from zero to scaling my business up.
I'm going to share with you those 4 phases to help you shorten your learning curve, to help you avoid some of the things I've done and to see the path that I took that ultimately has led to some success.

In this episode:
1. Phase 1: Getting started and making my first kind of income
2. Phase 2: Growing, learning from mistakes, focusing my musical niche, and growing my mailing list
3. Phase 3: The turning point. Website redos, owning 100%, and creating my own products.
4. Phase 4: Exponential growth, more products, and focusing on what was actually working.
5. Where I am now in my music entrepreneur journey

Thanks for listening to this episode of the Passive Income Musician Podcast. If you aren't already, make sure you are subscribed on iTunes, Google Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
I look forward to having you join me in the next episode!
Important Links:
Episode 01: How I Make a Six-Figure Income Teaching Music Online
Awesome Online Music Teaching Business Plan