Passion & Prosperity Podcast

Passion & Prosperity Podcast

PP004 | David Welch: Picante Sauce Weekend - Passion & Prosperity Podcast

October 15, 2017

Welcome to the Passion & Prosperity podcast.  I created this podcast out of a love of speaking with people who have leveraged their passion to create something interesting and extraordinary. Whether it’s a business, a brand or even a hobby, I’m truly enamored when people combine vision and determination to generate prosperity in their lives.  It is my hope these stories will inspire you to consider what illuminates your soul and perhaps provide some guidance on how to create more abundance in your life.  I would love to hear your feedback via an iTunes review or on my website at

PP004 | David Welch: In Episode #4 of Passion & Prosperity, I speak with David Welch about his livelong love of food.  In fact, David's passion started with harvesting vegetables as a child and making tasty picante sauce with his father, a chemist, and the rest of his family.  After coming of age and ridding himself of a lot of excess material possessions, David found the time and freedom to get creative in the kitchen and Picante Sauce Weekend was born.  I hope you enjoy!

Show Notes: Sriracha is the documentary David mentioned during the podcast and it can be viewed here.  The Picante Sauce Weekend website can be found here and the product can be purchased here.