Passing Places Around Scotland

Passing Places Around Scotland

039 Clyde Steamers The Kelpies & Moffat

January 22, 2014

Back on the road for 2014

The Clyde steamers mark a remarkable period in Scottish history where people from the central belt, from the poor to the rich, enjoyed the dramatic scenery and landscapes of the The Firth of Clyde.  For over a hundred years until the 1950's over 300 steamers transported passengers throughout the area.  I also talk about the The Kelpies, the dramatic new horse head sculptures on the Forth Canal near Falkirk.

I also rejoice in the fact I'm finally back in my van. I make what turns out to be a dreadful trip to Moffat in Dumfries & Galloway.  It's a lovely wee town and a place I really like but we all remember weekends that just didn't work out.   The whole week-end was instantly forgettable.

I came down with a chest infection and the rest is history. Thankfully.

I'll revisit the Kelpies and make a video as well as record a Passing Places podcast episode in the next couple of months once the site is fully open to the public.

