Passing Places Around Scotland

Passing Places Around Scotland

036 Year of Homecoming Scotland 2014

December 19, 2013

It’s great to be back with another episode of Passing Places. I briefly review a few personal travel highlights from 2013 and go on to mention that 2014 is the Year of Homecoming Scotland. As well as the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow and the Ryder Cup at Gleneagles we have the independence referendum to look forward to.  It’s going to be the biggest year in Scotland certainly in my lifetime.

It is also the seven hundredth anniversary of The Battle of Bannockburn which took place a few miles away from my home. A major refurbishment of the visitor attraction is just nearing completion as well as restoration of the monuments on the site. So if you are visiting Scotland during the year of homecoming a visit to Bannockburn, Stirling Castle and the Wallace Monument would be highly recommended.  I think Stirling is rightly justified in being called the heart of Scotland.

I hope you all have a relaxing Xmas and festive break as we return to weekly episodes of Passing Places.

Further details of the events scheduled for the Year of Homecoming 2014 can be found at Visit


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