
Party With Lance (Fifteen years of stand-up!) – Episode 14
Episode 14 is the first episode that hasn’t come out within a week timespan. I had a super productive & busy week and then also was just feeling tired so I fell a little behind. Anywho, here it goes!
In this episode, we cover these topics (and a few more):
- Really struggling this week – just tired.
- My ranking of the Democratic candidates during the debate.
- 15 years of doing stand-up / My beginnings of doing stand-up comedy.
- Trying things leads to learning which leads to progress.
- We really don’t know that much about the brain.
- Salutations in the North vs. the South and some other differences.
- Some thoughts on NYC banning single use plastic bags beginning March 1st, 2020.
- Why does music move our bodies?
- Slipping on a banana peel / many uses of a banana. Watch out for puddles & holes.
- Tips on curing a headache.
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