

Alex Cornelissen – “Sea Shepherd Global” Ship Captain and CEO

October 22, 2023

Alex Cornelissen is CEO and a ship Captain with Sea Shepherd Global having come up through the ranks, starting out as Chief Cook in 2002 on the good ship Farley Mowat.  Since then Alex has participated in many campaigns to stop illegal fishing and whaling from Europe to Africa to Antarctica.

The state of Earth’s oceans is dire. Extraction of fish and other life forms, and pollution, threaten the life of the oceans, which means that all life on Earth is threatened.  Life on Earth depends upon the oxygen provided by the oceans.  With oceanic dead zones increasing in number and area due to human activity, we are destroying that which gives us breath.

Factory fishing in Antarctica for krill targets the cornerstone of a fragile ecosystem

Music by: Stanley Clarke, The Beatles, Joan Zen, Painted Caves, Paul Winter, and Tobias the Owl

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