Paper Team
Writing Classic Multicams to Cable Darlings ft. Dan O’Keefe (Seinfeld/Veep) (PT154)
Alex and Nick invite Dan O’Keefe, writer on Silicon Valley, Veep, and Final Space, to talk about his experience writing on classic multicams, late-night comedy, and half-hour cable darlings.
What are the differences working on single-cam and multi-cam? How do you keep a consistent career in comedy writing? What is it like working on a serialized half-hour? How do you tackle the politics of late-night and comedy rooms? What is some advice for pitching and selling shows?
The Paper Team grins...
Writing classic multicams, late-night, and cable comedy darlings, with Dan O’Keefe (00:39)
Final Advice, Resources, and Next Week On (54:21)
Dan O'Keefe on IMDb
WGF Library
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Special thanks to Alex Switzky for helping us edit this episode.
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Alex - @TVCalling
Nick - @_njwatson
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