Beyond the Thesis With Papa PhD

A Journey From Faculty to Editing With Paulina Cossette
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Welcome back to another insightful episode of “Beyond the Thesis With Papa PhD”! In today’s episode, David Mendes sits down with this week’s guest, Paulina Cossette, to explore her fascinating journey from academia to a thriving career in editing. Paulina, a former political science professor and author, shares her transition story, highlighting the importance of reframing skills and battling impostor syndrome. Together, they delve into the value of experience outside academia, the challenges of reinventing oneself, and the fulfillment found in new career paths.
Whether you’re considering a move from the tenure track or seeking balance outside academic confines, this episode is packed with practical advice and inspiration. Join us as we unpack the process of shedding academic identities and embracing new, rewarding opportunities.
After spending 12 years in academia as a graduate student and political science professor, and struggling to find joy and work-life balance while working 7 days a week, Paulina finally found the courage to leave the academy in 2019.
Since becoming a copy editor, she has built a six-figure business that allows her to live and work wherever and whenever she wants, take real vacations without any guilt, and collaborate with kind, brilliant clients all over the world. Paulina is now sharing what she’s learned with scholars who need a change, so they can find joy and true time freedom, too.
What we covered in the interview:
- Reframe and Reskill: Transitioning from an academic career to editing involves reframing your academic skills to appeal to editing agencies. Highlight your precision, timely work, and ability to improve language.
- Explore Opportunities Beyond Traditional Paths: Many tenured faculty and full professors are moving into editing due to burnout and dissatisfaction with academia. Recognize the variety of career options available to you and the possibility of finding fulfillment in less traditional roles.
Join Supportive Communities: Navigating career changes can be challenging, but you’re not alone. Engage in communities that offer support through shared experiences and practical advice.