Planted with Sara Payan on Radio Misfits
Latest Episodes
Planted – Dr. Peter Grinspoon
Sara and Dr. Peter Grinspoon, M.D. discuss critical thought, cannabis and his book "Seeing Through the Smoke" [Ep94]
Planted – Dr. Bridget Cole Williams
Sara visits with Dr. Bridget Cole Williams, M.D., the acclaimed author of the best-selling book series, "Courage in Cannabis". [Ep93]
Planted – Greg Anton
Sara talks with Greg Anton, attorney and co-founding drummer of the band Zero about his career and his work on a historic 9th circuit case prior to legalization. [Ep92]
Planted – Sam Johnston
Sara sits down with musician and cannabis attorney Sam Johnston to talk about history, hemp and policy. [Ep91]
Planted – Bryan Passman
Sara talking about opportunity and industry with Bryan Passman, founder and executive head hunter of Hunter + Esquire. [Ep90]
Planted – Kyra Reed
Sara discusses the path to entrepreneurship and funding for women with Kyra Reed, Director of Partnerships for the Panther Group and founder of Women Employed in Cannabis. [Ep89]
Planted – Michael Steele
Sara welcomes back former Chair of the RNC and MSNBC policy analyst Michael Steele for a discussion about policy and politics. [Ep88]
Planted – Yarrow Lee Kubrin
Sara sits down with Yarrow Lee Kubrin, second generation cannabis cultivator, policy expert and real estate professional. [Ep87]
Planted – JM Balbuena
Sara sits down with JM Balbuena, Entrepreneur, Navy Veteran and author of "The Successful Canna-preneur". [Ep86]
Planted – Neil Smith
Sara discusses the European cannabis landscape and new movement in R&D with Neil Smith, COO of German bio-pharmaceutical company Avextra. [Ep85]