The Oxygen Mask Podcast

The Oxygen Mask Podcast

Oxygen Mask Episode 19: Neurodiversity with Milena and Jules, Part 2

May 10, 2021

We entered April, autism acceptance month, with Milena and Jules. As these two neurodiverse mothers raise autistic children, they are living out and advocating for autism acceptance in their families and communities. Our conversation began with the founding and growth of MN Autistics and Allies and meandered through autistic community, masking, splinter skills, language, and how talking about autism with kids can help them advocate for themselves. This conversation shifted our thinking and we hope it does the same for you!

Show Notes: 

- A recent article on the shift in language from autism awareness month to autism acceptance month

- MN Autistics and Allies is the Facebook group that Milena and Jules co-administer.

- Writing from Jules (@AutisticTyping):

"Today, your child was diagnosed with autism"
#AutismMoon in-progress series (images with bite-sized information)

- Milena is a Pacer Parent Advocate and member of the MN Department of Education's Special Education Advisory Panel.

- Jules is a Parent Advocate with the Multicultural Autism Action Network and current University of Minnesota LEND fellow.


This Oxygen Mask Episode was made possible by an Family Connections Innovation Grant from the MN Department of Human Services. Communities Engaging Autism is grateful for this financial support.