The Oxygen Mask Podcast

The Oxygen Mask Podcast

Oxygen Mask Episode 16: Guest Delia Samuel, Part 2

January 04, 2021

We dive deep with Delia Samuel in this second part of our conversation. She reflects on discrimination, isolation and her commitment to build understanding of autism. Delia shares more about what has sustained her in extraordinarily difficult times. Beth, Tera, and Delia recognize how we parents grow to become the best-suited people to parent our autistic children.

Show Notes:

"The But God Project" features Delia's faith story.

Delia is a co-founder and board member with the Multicultural Autism Action Network (MAAN). On Facebook:

Against the Odds: Inspiration for Parenting Children with Special Needs by Delia Samuel

Article about Dr. Samuel's work in St. Lucia
