Owning Your Own

Owning Your Own

001: In The Beginning, Celebrity Instagram Book, Popplet and Guest Posting

February 03, 2014

Episode 001 explains where OYO came from, introduces an amazing brainstorming tool, and explains how Google’s latest updates will affect guest blogging in 2014.

  • Beginning of Time – Where Did Owning Your Own Come From?
  • The Finger – B.J. Novak Releases Latest Book on Instagram
  • The Toolbox – Popplet (Our Favorite Brainstorming Tool)
  • Search Results May Vary – The Future of Guest Posting for SEO
  • Outro Song (Andrew) – GT40 by Lindsay Lowend

Send questions, comments, suggestions or love to podcast@owningyourown.com

Episode 001 Nugs of Knowledge

  • Andrew and Alan used to work together in an agency where they started a podcast and created 115 episodes (10:10)
  • Using pictures of text is not SEO friendly (13:02)
  • Popplet can be used to connect ideas, build mindmaps and more (17:58)
  • Using a tool like Popplet activates the same parts of the brain as a whiteboard or pacing (20:19)
  • Popplet can be used to build: sitemaps, functional flows, ideas, decision trees, etc.
  • Popplet includes 5 free “popples” to get started (21:44)
  • Send questions to Andrew and Alan at podcast@owningyourown.com
  • Matt Cutts is the head of Google web spam (29:ish)
  • Alan is referencing the SEO article here
  • Google cannot decipher between a guest blog and a normal blog post (31:ish)
  • Google can detect spun content or poor grammar (31:ish)
  • SEO and Google are in a perverted tango (31:08)
  • Be NATURAL when you guest blog, do not do it solely to build links (36:01)
  • Give authority to outside sites (37:19)
  • Do NOT post the same article on multiple sites (37:28)
  • Link to your Google+ profile and implement Google Authorship (38:11)
  • Don’t post guest blogs under a pseudonym (38:48)
  • To leave a review, visit OYOLove.com and write anything positive! (40:01)
  • If you are looking for an iTunes alternative, use Stitcher on desktop or mobile and leave OYO a review! (40:15)

001: In The Beginning, Celebrity Instagram Book, Popplet and Guest Posting was first posted on February 3, 2014 at 1:11 pm.
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