Owatonna Wrestling Weekly

Season 4 Episode 9: Riley Kreeger
OHS - Thurs, Jan 30th @ ALBERT LEA
OHS loss to #6 Albert Lea 5-57
- Key Matches for Albert Lea:
- 107 - #4 Kaden Lindquist tech fall over Maggie Olson
- Missing Starters: Gabe Robb, Lane Karsten, Colton Glende, Riley Kreeger, Blake Fitcher, etc.
OHS - Sat, Feb 1st - Boys Varsity @ Maple River
- Placewinners:
- 1st - 107 - #4 Kaden Lindquist
- 3rd - 114 - Jacob Wilson
- 5th - 107 - Miles Aase
- 5th - 139 - Parker Casas
- 5th - 172 - RJ Reinardy
- 6th - 172 - Carter Flatland
- 5th - 189 - Logan Risser
OHS - Sat, Feb 1st - Girls Varsity @ Big 9 Conference
- Placewinners:
- 1st - 106 - #5 Isabelle Townley
- 1st - 136 - McKayla Selle
- 1st - 142 - Ella Montanye
- 1st - 148 - #4 Aliah Fischer
- 2nd - 100 - #6 Kayla Pastika
- 2nd - 170 - Harmony Pipkins
- 3rd - 112 - Lucinda Ornelas
OHS - Sat, Feb 1st - Boys JV @ Big 9 Conference
- Owatonna took 2nd overall with 5 open weights
- Placewinners:
- 1st - 127 - Jacob Ryks
- 1st - 160 - Will Frantesl
- 1st - 172 - Trevor Townley (Should have been)
- 1st - 189 - Ryan Felts
- 2nd - 152 - Noah Calhoun
- 2nd - 215 - Alex Neitzel
- 3rd - 95 - Mason Sorensen
- 3rd - 121 - Owen Flatland
- 6th - 133 - Drake Johnson
- 6th - 160 - Logan Piotrowski
- 6th - 172 - Travis Neitzel
- THURSDAY - All Wrestlers @ HOME vs Roch JM, Mankato West for Senior Night
- FRI, SAT - Girls V @ Section Individual Tournament