Owatonna Wrestling Weekly
Season 3 Episode 9 - Finn Buckley and Noah Calhoun
- THURSDAY, JAN 18th HOME vs Mankato East - Alumni Night
- OHS vs Northfield - Won 54-13
- Bonus Point Victories From:
- Jacob Wilson - 114
- Parker Casas - 139
- Trey Hiatt - 139
- RJ Reinardy - 172
- Blake Fitcher - 285
- Other Highlights:
- #8 Kaden Lindquist (107) def #10 Jackson Stensrud 6-3
- SATURDAY, JAN 20th HOME for Davis Duals
- OHS vs Adrian - Won 31-22
- OHS vs Fulda/MCC - Won 43-15
- OHS vs Maple River/USC - Won 48-13
- Undefeated on the day:
- #7 Kaden Lindquist - 107
- Jacob Wilson - 114
- Lane Karsten - 127
- Trey Hiatt - 139
- Blake Fitcher - 215
- Matches to Note:
- Lane Karsten (127) defeated #9 Travis Weiss of Adrian 8-3
- THURSDAY, JAN 25th @ Roch Mayo w/ Mankato West
- OHS vs Northfield - Won 57-13
- OHS vs Roch Mayo - Won 34-20
- Undefeated on the night:
- Jacob Wilson - 114
- Donoven Sorenson - 121
- Lane Karsten - 127
- Jayden Jirele - 133
- Trey Hiatt - 139
- Grant Lower - 285
- Other Highlights:
- Riley Kreeger, Carter Flatland, Max Flemke, and Blake Fitcher all had close matches (saved team points).
- FRIDAY, JAN 26th AWAY @ Girls Varsity at Simley HS
- Results:
- 1st Place - Aliah Fischer (142) going 3-0 with 3 pins
- 2nd Place - Isabelle Townley (112) going 2-1 with 2 pins
- 5th Place - Lucinda Ornelas (100) going 2-1 with 2 pins
- 5th Place - McKayla Selle (130) going 3-1 with 3 pins
- DNP - Kayla Pastika (100)
- DNP - Ella Montanye (148)
- SATURDAY, JAN 27th AWAY @ Kasson-Mantorville
- OHS vs #2 K-M - Lost 9-52
- OHS vs Byron - Won 58-12
- OHS vs Pine Island - Won 37-25
- OHS vs Aquinas (WI) - Lost 11-60
- Undefeated on the day:
- Lane Karsten - 127
- Trey Hiatt - 145
- SATURDAY, JAN 27th AWAY @ 9th Grade League Regions
- Results:
- 2nd Place - Noah Calhoun (152) - STATE QUALIFIER
- 3rd Place - Miles Aase (88)
- 5th Place - Reeve Franko (100)
- 5th Place - Aliah Fischer (139)
- 5th Place - Will Frantesl (145)
- 5th Place - Chase Grunwald (152)
- 5th Place - Alex Neitzel (285)
- 7th Place - Gabe Robb (107)
- 8th Place - Drake Johnson (127)
- Thursday HOME vs Albert Lea for Senior Night
- 4:30pm - Middle School wrestles
- 6:00pm - JV Dual
- 7:00pm - Owatonna Cheer Program
- 7:10pm - Senior Night Recognition
- 7:30pm - Varsity Dual
- Saturday AWAY @ Maple River/USC for Individual Tourney
- SATURDAY, JAN 20th AWAY @ Farmington - Championship
- TUESDAY, JAN 23rd AWAY @ Shakopee