Overeaters Anonymous
Latest Episodes
9. Compulsive Exerciser
A viscous cycle of eating and exercising coupled with low self-esteem were her life before coming to OA. Now everything gets better when she works her program with the help of her Higher Power.
Unity Day
In honor of Unity Day, the last Saturday of February at 11:30 a.m. PST, we now offer this podcast covering the topic of Unity. Here is a link to the script in case you would like to read it or translate the podcast.
8. How do you work the Twelve Steps with a sponsee?
· What approach did your sponsor take to working the Steps that was especially helpful to you? · How has going through the Steps with a sponsee helped you?
1. What is a sponsor?
Does your sponsor fit the description on page 18 of Alcoholics Anonymous, Fourth Edition (Big Book)? What tasks does your sponsor request of you, and do you comply with those requests?
Questions about sponsorship? Listen to “Sponsorship Success”: a nine-part podcast series by members from various regions sharing their experience, strength, and hope with using the Tool of sponsorship. Learn more about: What is a Sponsor?
2. Why should you get a sponsor, and how can you get a sponsor?
What is your greatest fear about getting a sponsor? Is it okay to ask others how they got their sponsors? The post 2. Why should you get a sponsor, and how can you get a sponsor? appeared first on Overeaters Anonymous.
3. Why be a sponsor? Why be a sponsee?
• What would your recovery look like without a sponsor and/or sponsees? • If you do not currently have a sponsor, what can you tell that voice in your head that says you don’t need one?
4. When can you start sponsoring? When can you start being sponsored?
How do I know if I’m ready to sponsor? How many sponsees should I have?
5. What are the sponsorship job descriptions—from sponsor to sponsee and back?
Do you take time out from your job for meals and quiet time? Have you had on-the-job training?
Spirituality, Sponsorship and Service go Hand in Hand
Principles of Tradition Twelve– Spirituality, and Concept Twelve – Respect “Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all these traditions, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities. – Tradition Twelve “The spiritual foundation for OA s...