Overcome Pornography for Good

Overcome Pornography for Good

2. Fixing the Root of the Problem: Over-desire

January 25, 2021

It today's episode we talk about over-desire. Over-desire is the reason that your urges feel automatic. Over-desire can be un-trained and un-learned. We talk about how in the show.

You'll also learn my method for deciding if someone is addicted to pornography or not. I define addiction as a behavior that keeps you from living a normal, functioning life. Many of you call yourselves addicts even though you don't fit this description. I talk about why that might be harmful to you in this episode.

As a celebration for the launch of the show, I am giving away one free adult electric scooter and three $50 Amazon gift cards. For details on entering the giveaway, go to sarabrewer.com/podcastlaunch

If you want to access my free training, visit https://www.sarabrewer.com/free-training-opt-in-page

Ready to commit to quitting pornography? I would love to be your coach. visit this link to work with me: https://www.sarabrewer.com/workwithme