Over Coffee® | Stories and Resources from the Intersection of Art and Science | Exploring How to Mak

A “Revolution” to Feed a Growing World
"Farmers are the original innovators," says RoyseLaw AgTech Innovation Network founder Roger Royse.
And today, Roger is augmenting that innovation process, as farmers incorporate sensors, LED lights, and robotics in what amounts to a technological revolution--as they work to supply food to an increasing global population.
Roger, who is the founder of Menlo Park-based Royse Law Firm, has been working with tech startups in the course of his tax- and business-law practice, which he started in 1984, according to his website. Five years ago, he applied both his legal expertise and his knowledge of food production to the creation of the RoyseLaw Ag Tech Incubator.
The RoyseLaw AgTech Innovation Network educates innovators on trends in the growing agricultural technology industry. In addition to providing webinars and events, they connect promising startups with resources and potential investors.
Roger was the first speaker at ToolBox LA, the second in a series of lunchtime events around Southern California. Hosted by Los Angeles hardware accelerator Make in LA, these two-hour events focus on ways local innovators can support the L.A. ecosystem.
Prior to his presentation, Roger talked about current developments in agricultural technology, his background and some of the most exciting new innovations involved in producing our food supply.
On this edition of Over Coffee®, you'll hear:
The dynamics driving the current technological revolution in farming;
Some of the most exciting agricultural technologies Roger sees emerging in Silicon Valley;
The ways farmers are using data to solve problems and make decisions;
The systems currently in use for indoor and vertical farming;
A system for growing indoor crops that sounds impossible--but is happening today;
Why Roger foresees agricultural technology exploding in the future;
The implications of some of the new technologies for global food production and sustainability in the future;
What Roger observed about inefficiencies in food production, growing up with his family's business
Some of the upcoming webinars and presentations RoyseLaw AgTech Innovation Network will be offering, and how to get involved.
Make in LA's third "ToolBox LA" lunchtime event is coming up Tuesday, April 11th at noon in Playa Vista. "Social Justice and Tech" is the theme, and admission's free--but be sure to RSVP! Here's the link for more information.