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EducateAug: "Singing to Their Strengths"
"Speaking their language," says EducateAug Founder/Company Director Tim Limon.
He's explaining his approach to empowering students through creativity and XR.
Tim, who is both a media professional and an education professional, works with U.K. students on improving their reading and phonics skills. His Manchester-based educational technology company boosts student literacy skills through interactive work in augmented reality, extended reality and AI.
Inside the journey
Tim starts with the students' interests--then gets them involved in creating social-media content, based on the music, movies and other areas that spark their imagination.
And as the students create their content, they're incorporating phonics and reading--along with a considerable amount of fun and imagination.
Along the way, Tim makes sure that his young creators, who often have low self-esteem due to having fallen behind their peers in their classwork, get a new perspective on themselves and their skills.
"I just want to help children realize...that they are assets," he says.
While Educate Aug is a relatively new company, one of Tim's products--the Augmented Reality Phonics Soundboard--has already earned a Finalist spot in the Innovate UK Immersive Tech Awards.
Additional creations include a holographic testimonial, as well as a Cosmic Canvas, which you can see on Instagram.
Tim shared the story of Educate Aug, explained how his AR Phonics Soundboard works and talked about his creative journey.