Over Coffee® | Stories and Resources from the Intersection of Art and Science | Exploring How to Mak

Over Coffee® | Stories and Resources from the Intersection of Art and Science | Exploring How to Mak

Vivid-Pix: Enhanced Storytelling

June 24, 2024

Remember your high school graduation? The best vacation you've ever had? An exciting landmark event, or even a great professional conference you've attended?

Of course, you'll always remember every detail--right? Well--no

With our busy lives, memories tend to fade over time.

But Vivid-Pix CEO Rick Voight has created technology to preserve those stories.

Rick, who is a lifelong photography visionary and imaging technology expert, has invented three different types of software to facilitate storytelling through pictures.

His most recent, Memory Station, allows users to scan in their photographs and documents, include voice recordings of the stories behind the pictures--and even scan in objects from the occasion!

An underwater start

Rick's passion for scuba diving was the genesis of Vivid-Pix' first photo-editing product.

"The problem with underwater photos," Rick explains. "is that oftentimes the images will come through quite green...because the warm colors are filtered out of the light spectrum."

Accordingly, he and his team invented the technology which today is Land & Sea Scuba. Using AI, this software fixes underwater pictures, correcting the light to make them sharp and clear.

They next created Vivid-Pix Restore: imaging software which restores old photographs, slides and documents with one click. Memory Station, the newest technology, grew from Rick's discovery of the importance of documents to family historians.

But if anyone is a little intimidated by the technology, they needn't be.

"We've designed this for (nontechnology people)," Rick says. "(Our products are) very intuitive."

Rick shared the story of Vivid-Pix, explained how Memory Station works, and even shared some creative tips on taking great photos, and creating a memory keepsake from a special occasion!
