Over Coffee® | Stories and Resources from the Intersection of Art and Science | Exploring How to Mak

Over Coffee® | Stories and Resources from the Intersection of Art and Science | Exploring How to Mak

ViRtual Trailblazers

February 19, 2024

"In the beginning, they didn't know what the metaverse was all about," says XR Girls Africa Founder Diana Njeri.

But to say that the young women whom she mentors learned quickly, would be an understatement.

Diana, who is an Associate Director of Africa VR Campus and Center, says she was introduced to VR by Africa VR Campus and Center Founder/CEO Paul Simon Waiyaki,

Fascinated by the new technology, she began exploring its possibilities.

With a background as an educator and student leader, Diana quickly realized VR's potential for educating girls and young women in underserved areas. An invitation from a STEAM organization led her to invite some local girls to experience virtual reality under her guidance--and to begin to use the metaverse to build their futures.

Ultimately, as you'll see on their YouTube channel, not only were they the first African girls in the metaverse--they also won a top honor!

And today, as they continue their education through virtual reality, XR Girls Africa also host their own virtual events -and are teaching others how to use the metaverse for social good.

Diana discussed her own first experience with virtual reality, shared the story of her creative journey with Africa VR Campus and Center and XR Girls Africa, and talked about her vision for the future.