Over Coffee® | Stories and Resources from the Intersection of Art and Science | Exploring How to Mak

Over Coffee® | Stories and Resources from the Intersection of Art and Science | Exploring How to Mak

Facets of S.T.E.A.M.

January 24, 2024

What does S.T.E.A.M. mean in your life?

Huh? What's S.T.E.A.M.?

Well, you're probably familiar with the acronym STEM: science, technology, engineering, and math.

S.T.E.A.M. is, simply, the addition of art to the mix.

As we celebrate a new season of Over Coffee®, here is our special-edition look at the ways science, technology, engineering, art and math are intertwined--and the ways they can boost creativity.

Here are excerpts from our previous conversations, each illustrating a different discipline of science, technology, engineering, art and math.

On this edition of Over Coffee®:

Sociologist, author, educator and haunt consultant Dr. Margee Kerr explains some of the science of our enjoyment of a good Halloween scare.;

Fairchild Botanic Garden Director of Education Amy Padolf discusses the citizen-science classroom program, Growing Beyond Earth, which she developed in partnership with NASA.

University of Chicago doctoral student and Calico robot developer Anup Sathya offers a look at the tiny wearable robot he and his colleagues developed.

La Canada Flintridge Tournament of Roses Director of Float Development Pam Wiedenbeck explains the engineering elements behind award-winning float creativity.

Meow Wolf Senior Creative Director Spencer Olsen explores the ways science, technology, engineering and math serve as vehicles for the creativity of local and international artists in Meow Wolf's second permanent installation, Omega Mart.

CSULB Director of Educator Preparation Dr. Fred Uy offers a math lesson for artists! (Want more? Dr. Uy previously served as a member of the Steering Committee of the California STEAM Symposium--the eleventh annual edition of which is happening February 9-10 in Long Beach!)

And thank you, to all the talented musicians whose royalty-free music we've used as transitional elements in this special-edition podcast! You'll find them all on Pixabay's music section--and they're available to be hired for independent work!