Over Coffee® | Stories and Resources from the Intersection of Art and Science | Exploring How to Mak

Over Coffee® | Stories and Resources from the Intersection of Art and Science | Exploring How to Mak

Nimagna: Automatic Magic

January 08, 2024

Can you create a professional-quality online video, without having to worry about lighting or camera angles--or setting up your background?

You can now, says Dr. Stephan Wurmlin Stadler, Co-Founder and CEO of Zurich-based startup Nimagna.

Stephan will be showcasing Nimagna, which is an AI video producer for webinars, online training and presentations, in the Eureka Park startup area of CES® 2024 this week.

The technology, he explains, will automatically determine the best camera angles and lighting for a user with multiple webcams.

In addition, virtual backgrounds are included, for an overall professional presentation.

Meanwhile, there's also a free one-camera plan available, with watermark, and a number of resources available on Nimagna's website, including their YouTube videos and articles, on their blog, on how to create engaging video courses and webinars.

Stephan shared the story of Nimagna, explained how it works and even gave a mini-lesson on crafting a compelling video!

And if you're going to CES® 2024, which runs January 9th through 12th in Las Vegas, be sure to look for Nimagna. They'll be in the Swiss pavilion, Booth 62833 of the Eureka Park® startup area, located in the Venetian.