I Love You Anyway (formerly Outspoken)

Please forgive my absence, I still love you!
Hello, Friends
Here’s a short explanation for why I haven’t been recording or posting many episodes lately, and a piano improvisation at the end as an offering of gratitude and love.
Thanks for listening, feel free to share, and please consider joining my Patreon as a way of supporting the show { www.patreon.com/iloveyouanyway } and in return you’ll receive rewards like original artwork, original music, a little bit of merch, and various content just for patrons. You can pledge at any dollar amount, and every pledge is greatly appreciated! If you can’t or don’t want to support the show financially I still love you anyway, and perhaps you’d be so kind as to spread the word about the podcast and the Patreon to anyone you think might be interested in either or both. Thank you!
With love,
© 2023 Justin White All rights reserved.