Out of Trouble

Latest Episodes
33. Standups Pt.2
This episode is the last of season 2 of Out of Trouble. It features some of my favorite reflections from this project. It’s a thoughtful, slow, relaxing episode where I muse on the meaning of life. “Standups” is a term from journalism,
32. 4 a.m.
This episode is an investigation and a showcase of four in the morning, the witching hour. I stayed up for a number of weeks late last summer to conduct interviews at 4 am. The purpose of these interviews was simply to engage at a time when most of us ...
31. Motherhood
On this episode I tell my Mom how my feelings about having kids have changed. I speak with my friend Shanthi who’s a young mother herself and we hear briefly from my father as I navigate the challenges of approaching 30 and thinking about child beari...
30. Standups Pt.1
“Standups” is a term from journalism, it refers to when a reporter is out in the field and narrates what’s going on around them. It’s a storytelling device. This is the first edition of some not so random standups that I recorded and stitched together....
29. Death with Grandma
In this episode I talk with my Grandma about her feelings about death. Her grandfather owned a funeral home where the family would gather when she was a kid, death has been a presence in her life since then.
28. Chocolate Chip Nips
This episode, despite its provocative title, is a heartwarming ode to my family. I visited them in Virginia last summer, they live in the suburbs outside of Washington D.C. My sister and I were there to help take care of my grandma who just had spinal ...
27. Off to D.C.
Eyyyyy, story of my life continues! I’m off to Washington D.C. (last August nothing to do with current events) to visit family, help take care of Grandma post spinal surgery op. In this episode I arrive, my sister and my mom and I get into stupid argum...
26. Noise
Did you know that sound doesn’t physically exist? When you smell, tiny particles stick inside your nose, when you eat it’s those same particles that make things taste delicious, and even light can be felt on your skin as warmth as the photons bounce of...
25. Gun Tutorial
This is the last of three episodes with Austin, an old friend of mine. This one could be standalone, you don’t have to listen to the two before this but I recommend it. In this episode, we learn about gun history and how to safely store and operate a f...
24. OG Oddball
In this episode, we continue hanging out with my old friend, Austin. He takes us to the gun range and tells me crazy sex stories. Later, back at home, I reflect with him on the place he holds in my life. Austin is one of my oldest friends,