Out of the Technicolor Closet

Out of the Technicolor Closet

Latest Episodes

Stephanie & Mary Jo Schnell from THE OUTCENTER Discuss Upcoming Virtual Events & A Fundraising Opportunity
April 29, 2020

With the inability to visit out centers, things can be particularly challenging for members of the LGBTQ+ Community. Mary Jo, the Executive Director of the Outcenter, talks with Stephanie about some upcoming virtual events you can be a part of which yo...

An Interview With Mary Jo Schnell from The OutCenter – Ways for LGBT+ Members to Stay Connected Virtually During This Crazy Time of COVID-19
April 01, 2020

There’s a lot happening at The OutCenter in Benton Harbor on a normal basis. Even though everything has changed recently with the way we are staying connected to each other, The OutCenter has many ways for LGBTQ+

Out Of The Technicolor Closet – Being A Queer Parent
February 26, 2020

In this episode, we discuss issues that LGBT+ couples deal with when it comes to wanting to start a family. Whether that being law related or deciding on ways to have a baby, we go through the

Out of the Technicolor Closet – Oversexualizing Kids in the LGBT+ Community
January 16, 2020

Being part of the LGBT+ Community makes you think about and remember how you grew up. Maybe it was a good experience or maybe not but because there is still this stigma associated with the community, some parents are trying to introduce things to their...

Out of the Technicolor Closet – Religion & The LGBT+ Community
November 07, 2019

Many people who are part of the LGBT+ Community struggle with finding the right place to go to in order to practice the religion they believe in. This usually happens because we do not feel accepted at a place that should be our safe haven but rather,

Out Of The Technicolor Closet – Deep Dive Into Navigating Around Schools
October 17, 2019

In the first season, we discussed the school environment and issues people of the LGBT+ community may face while trying to get their education. Now, we’re going to take a deep dive into navigating around school and

OUT OF THE TECHNICOLOR CLOSET – Sex Ed & How To Protect You and Your Partners
May 17, 2019

It seems like when you’re talking to many people outside of the LGBT+ Community, the first place their minds go are right to sex. So, let’s get into it! Let’s talk about sex! There are plenty of

Out Of The Technicolor Closet – Mental Health & The Coming Out Process
May 05, 2019

Coming out is not an easy process for many people who are part of LGBT+ community. There are a lot of struggles we all have face on a daily basis that may have a great effect on

Out Of The Technicolor Closet – Drag Queens & Kings
April 26, 2019

Drag queens and even kings have been around for a long time, but you may not know much on how they originated and how they have become a big part of the LGBT+ culture today. We’re going

Out Of The Technicolor Closet – Navigating Schools & Workplaces As An LGBT+ Person
April 17, 2019

Being a person who is part of the LGBT+ Community, you have your doubts and fears about how people will treat you at school or at work. It can be a scary thing depending on where you
