Out of Left Field

Out of Left Field

Episode 1: Safe At Home

April 20, 2020

Opening Day is about many things: The return of baseball season. The end of winter. Most of all, it is a day of hope and possibility. The caliber of gameplay might not yet be in midseason form, nor is the weather; still, Opening Day arrives with the promise of better days to come. 

Not this Opening Day.

In 2020, Opening Day of the Major League Baseball season came and went, without anything actually opening. Without any baseball.

This debut episode of the Out Of Left Field Podcast looks around the stillness of the baseball world and imagines what should have been happening on March 26, 2020: Opening Day. Roger Owens, a vendor who has worked every Los Angeles Dodgers Opening Day since baseball came to California, should be pitching peanuts in the Loge Level of Dodger Stadium. Tony Rossi, the longest-serving head coach in Division I college baseball history, should have been in the dugout for Siena College instead of having his 51st season canceled. Lindsey Knupp, one of the most creative marketing and promotions minds in minor league baseball, should have been finalizing her plans for the Rocket City Trash Panda’s first season in their new town. Two million Little League baseball and softball players should be preparing to play ball.

I want to thank everyone involved in the total team effort behind this first episode of the first season:

* George Hochbrueckner, for the original tunes. Check out his album, Celticafricousticelectric on iTunes.* Scott Holmes Music (https://scottholmesmusic.com/) for the opening theme, Hotshot.* Jessica Berenblat of JB Arthouse (https://www.jbarthouse.net/) for designing the cover art.* Rachel Blechman of Tinbear Consulting (https://tinbearconsulting.com/) for building a new internet home for Out Of Left Field.* Josh Sippie, my podcast mentor from the Gotham Writers Workshop (https://www.writingclasses.com/).* Our sponsors, Everipe Blender-Ready Superfood Smoothies (everipe.com), which has rescued breakfast-time for my family, and Soggy Doggy (soggydoggydoormat), because it’s a lot easier to shelter in place when your place doesn’t smell like wet dog. * And, lastly, to Strat-O-Matic . . . which is not a sponsor, but was a game I always enjoyed playing as a kid, and now provides a portal into a simulated alternative universe (http://www.strat-o-matic.com/2020-season-simulation/) where the 2020 baseball season is playing out as scheduled (man, those A’s are off to a hot start).