Ottoman History Podcast

Ottoman History Podcast

Latest Episodes

Music and Silence in the Armenian Diaspora
April 23, 2020

Episode 461 with Sylvia Angelique Alajaji hosted by Sam Dolbee Music, at its best, can give us a reason to live. In this episode, Sylvia Alajaji discusses how in the wake of the Armenian Genocide, music not only served this function for Armenians, but al

Erken Modern Avrupa Oyunlarındaki Türk İmgesi
April 19, 2020

Bölüm 460 Fatih Parlak Sunucu: Can Gümüş Erken modern dönemde Avrupa’nın oyun dünyası nasıldı? Avrupa’nın çeşitli ülkelerinde üretilen bu oyunlarda Türkler nasıl temsil ediliyordu? Bu bölümde, Dr. Fatih Parlak ile bu sorular etrafında sohbet ediyoruz. Pa

The Bosnian War, Jihad, and American Empire
April 15, 2020

Episode 459 with Darryl Li hosted by Sam Dolbee and Matthew Ghazarian In this episode, anthropologist and lawyer Darryl Li discusses his new book The Universal Enemy: Jihad, Empire, and the Challenge of Solidarity. Based on ethnographic and archival rese

Being Urban and Urbane in Safavid Iran
April 08, 2020

Episode 458 with Kathryn Babayan hosted by Nir Shafir In the seventeenth century, the city of Isfahan flourished as the capital of the Safavid Empire. How did this vibrant and growing city shape the very nature of its inhabitants? In this episode, we spe

Cihan Harbinde Arap Toprakları ve Osmanlı-Türk Hatıratı
April 01, 2020

Bölüm 457 Selim Deringil Sunucu: Önder Eren Akgül Bu bölümde Selim Deringil ile, Birinci Dünya Savaşı sırasında Suriye vilayetlerinde bulunmuş dört Osmanlı-Türk yöneticisi ve entelektüeli, Ali Fuad Erden, Münevver Ayaşlı, Hüseyin Kazım Kadri ve Falih Rıf

Science in Early Modern Istanbul
March 25, 2020

Episode 456 with Harun Küçük hosted by Sam Dolbee and Zoe Griffith What did science look like in early modern Istanbul? In this episode, Harun Küçük discusses his new book, Science without Leisure: Practical Naturalism in Istanbul, 1660-1732 (University

Plague in the Ottoman World
March 19, 2020

Episode 455 featuring Nükhet Varlık, Yaron Ayalon, Orhan Pamuk, Lori Jones, Valentina Pugliano, and Edna Bonhomme narrated by Chris Gratien and Maryam Patton with contributions by Nir Shafir, Sam Dolbee, Tunç Şen, and Andreas Guidi The plague is caused by

Osmanlı Devleti'nde Salgın Hastalıklarla Mücadele
March 11, 2020

Bölüm 454 İsmail Yaşayanlar Sunucu: Can Gümüş Hindistan'da endemik bir hastalık olan kolera, 19. yüzyılda nasıl bir pandemiye dönüştü? Osmanlı Devleti kolerayla nasıl tanıştı ve hangi yöntemleri kullanarak mücadele etti? Bu bölümde Düzce Üniversitesi

Indian Ocean Exchange in Early Modern Yemen
March 06, 2020

Episode 453 with Nancy Um hosted by Zoe Griffith The Red Sea port of Mocha enjoyed ties with London, Amsterdam, Surat, and Jakarta in the eighteenth century. But not all of the ivory, porcelain, and coffee that passed through Mocha was sold for a profit.

Muslim Sicily and Its Legacies
February 27, 2020

Episode 452 with William Granara hosted by Chris Gratien During the 9th century, Arab armies from North Africa conquered Sicily, leading to four centuries of Muslim history on the island, which is now part of Italy. Sicily during that period has often bee