Ottoman History Podcast

Ottoman History Podcast

Latest Episodes

Devrimin Karaborsası: Balkan Komitacıları, Teknoloji ve Şiddet
July 06, 2021

Ramazan Hakkı Öztan Sunucu: Can Gümüş | 19. yüzyılın ikinci yarısında, dinamit gibi patlayıcıların icadı ile küresel düzeyde oluşan küçük silah fazlası Osmanlı Balkanlarındaki devrimcileri hangi bakım

The Environmental Origins of Ottoman Iraq
June 27, 2021

with Faisal Husain hosted by Chris Gratien | The Ottoman conquests of the 16th century represented a watershed moment in many senses. Our guest Faisal Husain explains the most literal of these senses:

Birinci Dünya Savaşı ve Osmanlı Toplumu
October 17, 2020

Bölüm 479 Yiğit AkınSunucu Önder Eren Akgül Cihan Harbi’ne cephe gerisinden bakmak bize ne anlatır? Bu bölümde Yiğit Akın ile Birinci Dünya Savaşı’nda Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nu ve cephe gerisindeki toplumun savaşı ve seferberlik politikalarını nasıl deneyi

Zeinab's Odyssey: Gender, Mobility, and the Mahjar
September 27, 2020

Episode 478 with Randa Tawil hosted by Chris Gratien How do social categories like gender and race impact migrant trajectories as they move through different imperial, national, and liminal spaces? In this episode, we explore this question through the inc

II. Abdülhamid Dönemi'nde Devrimciler, Ermeniler ve Rejim
September 21, 2020

Bölüm 477 Toygun Altıntaş Sunucu: Can Gümüş Bu bölümde Dr. Toygun Altıntaş ile Ermeni siyasi aktivistleri ve devrimcilerinin 1880 ve 90'lı yıllarda Doğu ve Orta Anadolu'daki faaliyetleri üzerine sohbet ediyoruz. Altıntaş'ın II. Abdülhamid dön

Italian Empire and the Dodecanese
September 13, 2020

Episode 476 with Valerie McGuire hosted by Chris Gratien The Dodecanese Islands in the Southeastern Aegean Sea are part of Greece today, and for centuries, they were controlled by the Ottoman Empire. But for a brief period, Italy governed the Dodecanese a

Nationalism and Capitalism in British-Occupied Egypt
September 07, 2020

Episode 475 with Aaron Jakeshosted by Susanna Ferguson Nationalism is often seen as a natural political desire or as a modal form spread around the world by modern technologies and conditions, such as literacy or print media. In this episode, Aaron Jakes

Cemal Kafadar Between Past and Present, Part 2
August 31, 2020

Episode 474 with Cemal Kafadar hosted by Maryam Patton, Chris Gratien, and Sam Dolbee In part two of our interview with Cemal Kafadar, we discuss how history writing might play an emancipatory role in the present. Turkey as a whole and Istanbul in particu

Travel Images Between Europe and the Ottoman Empire
August 24, 2020

Episode 473 with Elisabeth Fraser hosted by Emily Neumeier For centuries, people have been documenting their travels with images, which purportedly function as visual evidence for someone’s experience far from home. This was no less the case for European

The Life and Times of Sultan Selim I
August 18, 2020

Episode 472 with Alan Mikhail hosted by Sam Dolbee Sultan Selim I is well known for the conquests he pursued that brought places like Cairo, Damascus, and Mecca into the Ottoman Empire. But in this episode, we're exploring the life and times of Selim