Ottoman History Podcast

Ottoman History Podcast

Latest Episodes

Balkan Historiographies and the Legacies of Empire | Dimitris Stamatopoulos
May 26, 2014

E156 | The emergence of nationalism in the Balkans entailed a reconfiguration of historical space and time. Nationalist historians struggled in particular in dealing with the imperial heritage of the Ottoman and Byzantine pasts. In this episode, Dimitris

Osmanlı'da İşçiler | Kadir Yıldırım
May 20, 2014

E155 | Osmanlı’da İşçiler (1870-1922) kitabının yazarı, İstanbul Üniversitesi, İktisat Fakültesi öğretim üyesi Kadir Yıldırım’la yaptığımız bu podcastle, geçen hafta Soma’da yitirdiğimiz madencilerimizi ve Çalışma ve Sosyal

Miners in the Ottoman Empire | Donald Quataert & Ryan Gingeras
May 17, 2014

This episode offers an interview by Ryan Gingeras with Donald Quartaert in 2008 about his monograph entitled Miners and the State in the Ottoman Empire (2006). During his decades of activity as a scholar, Donald Quataert was one of the foremost scholars w

Figurative Littorals and Wild Fields | Arianne Urus & Michael Polczynski
May 16, 2014

E153 | If geography is the stage for social activity, how do geographical settings impact the form of the human drama? In this episode, we discuss wide expanses such as seas, plains, and deserts along with their adjacent coasts or "littorals" in an attemp

Reading Clocks Alla Turca | Avner Wishnitzer
May 08, 2014

E152 | In daily life, time appears as an unavoidable fact. It marches forward uniformly, and much like money, is a fungible commodity that can be spent, wasted, and saved. However, this view often obscures the fact that our engagement with time is mitigat

Echoes of The Ottoman Past: Istanbul's Historical Soundscape
May 03, 2014

E151 | Istanbul is full of landmarks and objects dating to the Ottoman period that give us a glimpse of the city's material culture. However, the scents and sounds that made up the urban experience of Ottoman Istanbul often elude us. In our inaugural epis

Patronage on the Periphery | Michał Wasiucionek
April 21, 2014

The Wild Field E08 | In the early modern Ottoman/European frontier, rivaling claims to sovereignty were reinforced by empires through systems of personal patronage and coercive power. Local power holders experienced Ottoman suzerainty quite differently in

The Ethnogenesis of the Crimean Tatars | Hakan Kırımlı
April 18, 2014

The Wild Field E07 | Turkic peoples have been living on and around the Crimean Peninsula and the Pontic Steppe (Deşt-i Kıpçak, Dzikie Pole, Loca Deserta) for over a millennium. As the Crimean peninsula changes hands before our eyes once again, we take

Inside the Tangier Legation | Ayla Amon
April 08, 2014

tajine E06 | Ayla Amon joins the podcast this week to discuss her work at the Tangier American Legation Institute for Moroccan Studies (TALIM) and the Tangier American Legation Museum. As a specialist in art history and preservation, Ayla talks about her

Osmanlı İmparatorluğu, Kırım ve Lehistan Üçgeni | Hacer Topaktaş
April 04, 2014

Son haftalarda uluslararası basında sıkça yer bulan konuların başında Kırım gelmektdir. Tarih boyunca Kırım Hanlığı, Osmanlı İmparatorluğu ile Lehistan arasındaki ilişkilerde önemli rol oynamıştır. Dr. Hacer Topaktaş, iki devlet ar