Ottoman History Podcast

Ottoman History Podcast

Latest Episodes

Migrant Workers in Ottoman Anatolia | Chris Gratien
August 30, 2014

E172 | The nineteenth century was a period when world empires sought to settle nomads and immigrants in the countryside for the purposes of encouraging cultivation and loyalty to expanding states. Yet, at the same time, the economic consequences of global

Âb-ı Müncemid: Osmanlı'da buz üretimi | Burcu Kurt
August 23, 2014

E171 | Soğutma teknolojisinden önce dahi, kar ve buz gerek Osmanlı sarayı tarafından, gerekse halk tarafından oldukça kullanılan bir meta idi. Bu podcastımızda Burcu Kurt ile sanayileşmenin bu iki metanın üretim ve tüketimini nasıl etkiledi

Writing the History of Palestine and the Palestinians | Beshara Doumani
August 14, 2014

E170 | Historians face numerous challenges when attempting to excavate the Palestinian past. Palestinians are often erased from the landscape and their voices are wiped from the historical record. This is especially true with regards to the Ottoman past,

Astronomy and Islam in late Ottoman Egypt | Daniel Stolz
August 10, 2014

E169 | The movements of celestial bodies had long been of tremendous importance within the social and religious spheres throughout the Muslim world. As new understandings of space and time began to emerge during the nineteenth century, longstanding astron

Anatomy of Diplomacy | Mariusz Kaczka
August 07, 2014

The Wild Field E09 | The border regions shared by Poland-Lithuania and the Ottoman Empire were a tumultuous zone – a patchwork of regions directly administered by Warsaw and Istanbul, or through client rulers and vassals in Crimea, Moldavia, and Wallach

Silent Violence in the Ottoman Empire | Özge Ertem & Graham Pitts
August 01, 2014

E168 | Although seldom presented as such, famine, hunger, and disease were major forces influencing and shaping life in the countryside of the Ottoman Empire from its beginning until its final years. In this episode, we discuss the global conversation sur

Bir İstanbul Mahallesinin Doğumu ve Ölümü | Cem Behar
July 25, 2014

E167 | Bu podcastımızda Prof. Dr. Cem Behar ile 2003 yılında İngilizce olarak bastığı ve geçtiğimiz aylarda genişletilmiş bir Türkçe baskısını da yayınladığı kitabının konusu olan Kasap İlyas Mahallesi hakkında konuştuk. Modernle

Chasing Tents | Ashley Dimmig
July 23, 2014

The Wild Field E08 | Ottoman imperial space was not always tied to permanent structures. For centuries tents functioned as mobile palaces, providing domestic space and ceremonial stage settings reinforcing the power of the Padishah. Considering the materi

The Politics of 1948 in Israeli Archives | Shay Hazkani
July 18, 2014

E166 | While state support of archives enables the production of history, state control of archives can often hinder it. In Israel, the nature of the expulsion of Palestinians in 1948, an event in known in Arabic as the Nakba, has been at the center of po

New Archives in Lebanon | Université Saint-Esprit de Kaslik
July 17, 2014

E165 | While Lebanon is home to a rich base of historical sources, the nature of public institutions and the impacts of the long civil war have resulted in a situation wherein archival documents are decentralized and spread across many private institution