Ottoman History Podcast

Ottoman History Podcast

Latest Episodes

Mapping the Ottomans | Palmira Brummett
January 23, 2016

Mapping the Ottomans | Palmira Brummett

Mapping the Medieval World in Islamic Cartography
January 12, 2016

Mapping the Medieval World in Islamic Cartography

Russian Hajj | Eileen Kane
January 07, 2016

Russian Hajj | Eileen Kane

In Memoriam Vangelis Kechriotis
December 30, 2015

In Memoriam Vangelis Kechriotis

Greeks in the Ottoman Empire | Molly Greene
December 18, 2015

Greeks in the Ottoman Empire | Molly Greene

Okumak ya da Dinlemek | Elif Sezer
December 10, 2015

Okumak ya da Dinlemek | Elif Sezer

The Ottoman Tanzimat in Practice | Cengiz Kırlı
December 05, 2015

The Ottoman Tanzimat in Practice | Cengiz Kırlı

Social Histories of Ottoman Istanbul | Ebru Boyar & Kate Fle
December 02, 2015

Urban Space in the Ottoman World

Edirne Across Time | Amy Singer
November 27, 2015

Urban Space in the Ottoman World

Late Hanafi Law in the Ottoman Empire
November 24, 2015

Continuity and Transformation in Islamic Law