Ottoman History Podcast

Ottoman History Podcast

Cemal Kafadar Between Past and Present, Part 2

August 31, 2020

Episode 474 with Cemal Kafadar hosted by Maryam Patton, Chris Gratien, and Sam Dolbee In part two of our interview with Cemal Kafadar, we discuss how history writing might play an emancipatory role in the present. Turkey as a whole and Istanbul in particular seen grand urban development projects in the past decade, and we discuss how they have become flashpoints of protest for a number of reasons, including historical preservation. Kafadar links this issue to the broader question of what the Ottoman past means and for whom. He moreover thinks through the Gezi Park protests of 2013 and how they might connect to longer historical trajectories. He also offers a sense of how histories of place on a quotidian level might offer important perspective on these questions. In closing, we discuss homesickness and displacement, both in his own relationship with Istanbul and in the life of someone we discussed in part one of our interview: Cem Sultan.   « Click for More »