Ottoman History Podcast

Ottoman History Podcast

Edirne Across Time | Amy Singer

November 27, 2015

Original air date: 27 November 2015 | The urban history of the Ottoman Empire usually deals with subjects pertaining to the imperial capital of Istanbul. But Istanbul was only one of many important urban spaces in the empire. For example, the nearby city of Edirne, which was a significant city throughout the Ottoman period and preceded Istanbul as capital, has received considerably less attention despite its physical and symbolic centrality. In this episode, Amy Singer shares some of her research on the urban, architectural, and socioeconomic history of Edirne across centuries of historical transformation.

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Amy Singer is professor of Ottoman history at Tel Aviv University. In addition to the city of Edirne, her research currently focuses on the possibilities of creating a trans-Ottoman digital platform for research cooperation and publication.


Episode No. 213
Release date: 25 November 2015
Location: Koç RCAC, Istanbul
Editing and production by Chris Gratien
Music samples: Sari Zeybek - Hanende Ibrahim Efendi (fidika on; Murat Kenarinda - Agyazar Efendi (fidika on; Muhacir Ibrahim - Tabakçı Roman (vinyl recording by Chris Gratien); Akbil Fever (Chris Gratien); Muhacir Ibarhim - Çöl Kızı (vinyl recording by Chris Gratien)
Bibliography courtesy of Amy Singer
Image via


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