Ottoman History Podcast

Ottoman History Podcast

Armenian Migration during the Late Ottoman Period | David Gutman

April 11, 2015

E190 | For more than a century, waves of Armenian migrants have come to the United States variously seeking economic opportunity or fleeing political violence and persecution. In this episode, Susanna Ferguson sits down with David Gutman to discuss his research on the origins of Armenian migration to the United States and elsewhere during the late Ottoman period, and they explore how shifts in migration patterns reflected the broader political shifts in the empire during its last decades.

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David Gutman is an Assistant Professor at Manhattanville College in Purchase, NY. He completed his PhD at Binghamton University with a dissertation titled, "Sojourners, Smugglers, and the State: Transhemispheric Migration Flows and the Politics of Mobility in Eastern Anatolia, 1888-1908." His teaching interests include the history of the modern Middle East, global history, social and political movements, and migration. His research interests revolve around the politics of migration and migration control, the intersection of mobility and citizenship, social and political history of Ottoman peripheries, and Ottoman Armenians in the last decades of empire.

Susanna Ferguson is a PhD student in Middle Eastern History at Columbia University, where she focuses on the history of women and gender in the Arab world in the late 19th and early 20th centuries (see


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