Ottoman History Podcast

Ottoman History Podcast

Rulers, Rebels, and Rogues in Middle East History

December 11, 2016

with Betty Anderson hosted by Chris Gratien Download the podcastFeed | iTunes | GooglePlay | SoundCloud The political, social, and cultural roots of the modern Middle East stretch into the early modern period of Ottoman and Safavid rule and even beyond. So how should we narrate the long making of the Middle East within the context of an ever-changing present? In this episode, we talk to Betty Anderson about the perspectives and practices that inform her new textbook A History of the Modern Middle East:  Rulers,  Rebels, and Rogues. We consider ways of organizing and thematically arranging the history of a diverse region over hundreds of years, we discuss the importance of bringing previously silenced actors and groups into the historiography, and we reflect on how the past decades of historiography as well as recent events have changed how we conceptualize prevailing narrative of Middle East history. « Click for More »