Oregon Rooted: The Dirt Show

Oregon Rooted: The Dirt Show

The Dirt Show: Episode 2

June 09, 2016

This week on the show we talk the dirt on Oregon Canna News, what's going on in the OR Garden, and of course the Horti Talk segment where we deliver the knowledge on home growing and cultivating dank healthy nugs.  Highlights include: strains in the garden, some biological beneficials talk, and the extras that can be used to boost quality.

Events Link:

Umpqua Hemp Fest

Indo Expo

Show links:

Teenage Marijuana Use Continues to Drop

With edibles now for sale, Salem police step up DUI patrols

These Dads Like a Little Marijuana More Than A Glass Of Wine

Grow Links:

Optik Foliar - Overgrow

Optik Foliar - Transport