Oregon Department of Human Services Director’s Office

Episode 18
One of our best tools for stopping the spread of COVID-19 continues to be physical distancing. Back in March 2020, DHS shifted most of its staff to telework to reduce the number of people in our buildings so we could maintain physical distancing when serving the public in person. What we’re learning from the experience is that teleworking can be a standard part of how DHS conducts its business beyond the pandemic.
DHS recently conducted a survey to learn what staff need to successfully telework in the short-term and to gather feedback to operationalize telework for the long-term through designing effective policies, procedures and staff supports. Nearly 4,900 staff responded to the survey and 95% reported they are satisfied with their current teleworking situation.
In today’s podcast, DHS Director Fariborz Pakseresht gives an update on the current state of COVID-19 in Oregon and the importance of maintaining telework during the pandemic. Chief Administrative Officer Don Erickson, sponsor of the telework survey, joins Director Pakseresht to share how the survey results will be used to make teleworking a standard operating procedure for the Department.
“Our goal is to utilize telework as a standard way people in DHS do their jobs. We want to do it in a way where there’s no loss of productivity, no loss in managerial ability and the ability to support staff, and we want to make sure that people are properly equipped in home work stations to do the whole scope of their job,” Erickson said.
Find more information for staff about COVID-19 on the OWL.
Find more information for clients and the public about COVID-19 on the DHS website.
Follow DHS on Twitter @OregonDHS.
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