Oregon Department of Human Services Director’s Office

Episode 17
When it comes to COVID-19, DHS has two main and urgent purposes: Protecting the health and safety of Oregonians and connecting people with the benefits and program supports they need to sustain themselves through this unprecedented health, social and economic crisis.
With medical experts estimating COVID-19 could be among us for the next 24 months - and knowing we will remain at the forefront of the state’s response for the duration - DHS partnered with the Oregon Health Authority to create a new Shared Services unit to lead our efforts. The COVID-19 Response and Recovery Unit (CRRU) is based in Salem and is led by Jana Mclellan.
In this episode, Director Fariborz Pakseresht and Jana sit down to discuss how the CRRU is taking shape.
Find more information for staff about COVID-19 on the OWL.
Find more information for clients and the public about COVID-19 on the DHS website.
Follow DHS on Twitter @OregonDHS.
Download full script by clicking here.