Oregon Department of Human Services Director’s Office

Episode 12
A framework based in science and data is guiding the re-start of public life and business in Oregon. The framework ensures that we proceed carefully through a three-phase plan to protect public health while re-opening the economy incrementally. Resuming non-urgent medical procedures and opening state recreation areas with limitations are the first steps Governor Brown has taken. It has many of us wondering, what’s next for DHS?
Director Fariborz Pakseresht and Deputy Director Liesl Wendt responded to the top four questions from staff in this podcast:
- The framework for reopening Oregon has three phases. When can teleworkers return to the office?
- Personal Protective Equipment, or PPE, plays a role in the framework for re-opening Oregon. What is the status of getting more PPE for staff?
- What are we doing to support providers so they are available when the people we serve need them?
- The economy has taken a hard hit and so has the state budget. What does that mean for the DHS budget?
“The rebound of the economy is directly related to what we keep doing to stop the spread of the virus. We need to remain vigilant,” Director Pakseresht said. “Helen Keller said, ‘Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.’ I am hopeful and confident we will manage through this. We have always found a way and we still have a responsibility to serve the many people who are suffering during this pandemic.”
Find more information for staff about COVID-19 on the OWL.
Find more information for clients and the public about COVID-19 on the DHS website.
Follow DHS on Twitter @OregonDHS.
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