Ordinary Marathoner

Ordinary Marathoner

Podcast #444 – Setting A New Goal

June 06, 2022

With Ironman Chattanooga 70.3 now in the rearview, it’s time to look ahead. After much thought, I’ve decided it’s time to think big again. As the years fly by, these big events tend to feel more and more challenging. There’s just no better time than the present.

This goal may be familiar… and it may not seem very exciting. But it’s something I must do. I have some unfinished business in the mountains of Lake Placid. It has been three years since I left 56 seconds on the table. And I’m due for another shot at the big one.

The commitment it takes to finish this race is immense. I’m ready. When I sit back and evaluate my training and past performances at the full-Ironman distance, one thing really bothers me. I feel as though I have never quite given the race the complete dedication it demands. I’ve been in decent shape. I’ve succeeded in my goal to finish. But I haven’t ever shown up on that start line with the aggressive mindset of being competitive. 2023 will change that.

I’ve really been loving the 70.3 distance. It’s challenging enough to demand training, but short enough to enjoy the rest of the day in celebration of victory with your fellow athletes. But I still need one more shot at the big one. That’s why IMLP2023 will very likely be my last one. I deserve to give it my best. It demands my best. Let’s get started.

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