Further Together the ORAU Podcast

Further Together the ORAU Podcast

Episode 115: How ORAU helps the National Library of Medicine reach people around the globe

June 06, 2023

The National Library of Medicine, located on the campus of the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Md., is the world's largest biomedical library and an important resources accessed by millions of people around the world. If you're familiar with PubMed, you know the NLM. The NLM is also one of ORAU's longest-standing customers. For more than 30 years, ORAU has helped promote and raise awareness for the library's resources. More recently, ORAU has been helping the NLM with a project called All of Us, wherein the NLM works with public libraries to help communities participate in biomedical research. In this conversation, Further Together host Michael Holtz talks with LaFrancis Gibson and Kelli Bursey from ORAU's Public Health and Healthcare team about their work with the NLM.