Further Together the ORAU Podcast

How the world benefits from Emory University's history of research and technology transfer
Emory University has been a member of the ORAU University Consortium since it was established in 1946. The university has a long and storied history of research. L:ast year, Emory's research expenditures surpassed $1.2 billion primarily focused on biomedical research as well as infectious diseases, global health, brain health, artificial intelligence and more. Emory also has a robust technology transfer office, where drugs and devices developed through research make their way to the marketplace. The Journal of Technology Transfer in 2023 listed Emory University as third in the world in drug development, behind the National Institutes of Health and the University of California system. Emory's successes include the development of drugs to treat HIV and hemophilia, and a device that helps collect mosquitos that are studied for diseases. Host Michael Holtz talks to Kimberly Eck, MPH, Ph.D., Emory associate vice president of research, and Todd Sherer, Ph.D., associate vice president of research and executive director of the Office of Technology Transfer. Emory's history underscores the importance of research and tech transfer, and is endlessly fascinating. Check this episode out!
To read the Journal of Technology Transfer article, visit https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10961-023-10007-z