The Open Bar Experience Podcast

The Open Bar Experience Podcast

JOJO Martinez, The Creative Process and the CARES ACT

April 10, 2020

Having a lot of time on your hands is both a blessing and a curse. During the down time of the pandemic of 2020 many on FB have taken to spreading conspiracy theories about the pandemic and it origin along with many other wild ideas. Instead we should look at the destruction of Labor Unions, extreme poverty and the lack of mental health as a right, and the revolving door of corporate executive to politician and back as the true conspiracies of existence. That said, TAKE A WALK. Enjoy your day buy slowing it down to the things you always say you have little to no time for.

Here are some resources to help you navigate the CARES ACT passed by congress to provide relief to small business and labor alike.


Restaurant Owner Magazine

Zoom has been getting hacked by prankster as well as dangerous people.

J Matini Services

PHOTO BY Photo by Xavier Coiffic