Oops, Your Culture's Showing!

42: Alcohol Across Cultures, Or “I Could Never Be Embarrassed Around You”
Dean may have neglected to bring sangria for this episode, but that doesn’t stop Dean and Tom from sliding into a spirited dialogue on Dean’s experiences with alcohol across countries & cultures: from gin amidst the dizzying dunes of Libya, to the “easy going down” caipirinha of Brazil (with subsequent lizard-negotiating), to early-morning Unicum in a Budapest boardroom, and much more. Plus, do Dean and Tom decide to push their limits after imbibing a few tequilas together in Mexico? Call us old-fashioned, but we know that you’ll have a happy hour (or 40-ish minutes) when you listen to find out!
***Don’t forget to subscribe to Dean’s Substack here for recent CultureQuizzes, updates on Dean’s next book, and much much more. It’ll definitely be worth a shot! (Okay, the alcohol puns end here!)***
Have a cultural question or episode idea? Reach out on Twitter and Facebook (@OopsCultureShow) or by email at oopscultureshow@gmail.com.
Music: “Little Idea” – Bensound.com