Tech Field Day Podcast

Tech Field Day Podcast

Latest Episodes

It’s Too Hard to Collaborate in Automation
November 22, 2022

Ineffective collaboration between teams in automation leads to lack of clarity that translates to pointlessly doing the same work over and over again. In this episode of On-Premise IT Podcast, presented by RackN, host Stephen Foskett delves into this pro

Hybrid Work has Vastly Increased the Enterprise Threat Surface
November 15, 2022

The threat surface of our enterprise has increased dramatically because our enterprise now includes remote workers. In this episode of the On-Premise IT podcast, Jasper Bongertz, Jon Myer, and Evan Mintzer discuss the ways in which our organizations face

Security has to be Integrated into the Entire IT Stack
November 08, 2022

Modern storage systems increasingly have data security capabilities, but these need to be part of a complete security solution to be effective. This episode of the On-Premise IT podcast, sponsored by Dell Technologies, takes on the premise that security

Where Have All The Objects Gone?
November 01, 2022

Although object storage goes back decades in the enterprise datacenter, it’s nowhere near as dominant as it is in the cloud. That’s the question Stephen Foskett puts to some of the Storage Field Day delegates in this episode of the On-Premise

Subscription Services are Strangling Enterprise IT
October 25, 2022

Subscriptions have moved up from meal kits and streaming services to all of technology. In just a few short years, enterprise IT has transitioned into a service-focused industry that makes a lions share of its revenue from subscription services. The sub

The Future of Datacenter is Serverless
October 18, 2022

Despite all the hardware and software changes that have come to the datacenter, the server has remained the primary unit. But new technologies, from CXL and silicon photonics to virtualization and containers, is challenging the entire concept of a server

Network Access Can’t Be Controlled From The Edge
October 11, 2022

The network has moved from the edge to the core and on to the cloud. We have added intelligence throughout and tried to make things easier for professionals to manage. However there are still areas that need improvement. As we increase the ways we can ex

You Don’t Need Wi Fi 6E Today
October 04, 2022

The world of wireless is advancing quickly and new protocols and hardware are coming into the market. Manufacturers are pushing the latest and greatest technologies around Wi-Fi 6E. Are you ready to embrace it? Should you be looking at it today? Or is th

It’s The End of VMworld as We Know IT
September 27, 2022

To the IT community, the VMworld is an Ops conference like no other. But things are about to change. The in-person VMworld events stopped with the pandemic back in 2019. Now VMware is back with another conference, but its not quite the same as VMworld.

IT Infrastructure Companies Don’t Understand Developers
September 20, 2022

Enterprise IT companies are fixated on developers as a new market for IT infrastructure products, but it seems like they don’t even know what the term means. This episode of the On-Premise IT podcast brings Joep Piscaer, Nathan Bennett, and Calvin